My top 5 favorite Arctic Monkeys songs

The Arctic Monkeys are my favorite musicians.

Monkeys in concert

Monkeys in concert

The list below was difficult to compile, as I love all their songs…

So here are my favorites:

#5. When the sun goes down – the one that started it all(for me)…

#4. A certain romance LIVE @ Glastonbury – proper ending of a super concert

#3. Mardy Bum

#2. You know I’m no good [COVER]

#1. Love is a laserquest

## Hors categorie ## Alex Turner Solo: Stuck on a puzzle

Football Manager 2013 pre-order

Football Manager 2013 will be out on November 2nd !

If you want early access(2 weeks) to the beta version, you can pre-order the game now. There are even bargains online, so you can get it with as less as $26 (like me). Just google it 🙂


Back…with a twist

It’s been a while…but I’m back.

I’ve changed the theme for this blog with the new and most popular(free) wordpress theme: Twenty Twelve 🙂

Also, I’ve changed the blog header, to emphasize the birth of my son: Stefan.

Football Manager 2012 Demo Released

October 21, 2011…2 weeks to go…

Not long to wait until the release of the FM 2012 game, but if you need a quick fix for your critical football manager addiction, you can now download the DEMO:

FM 2012 demo

My top 10 upcoming movies and series [5 to 1]

This is a continuation from my previous post.
The countdown begins 🙂

As you are about to see, my top 5 contain mostly series, as a lot of my favorite shows come back now with new seasons:

5. Game of Thrones Season 2

This one needs no introduction. It did not make it to 1st place, but that was for a reason: I already know what will happen(I’ve read all the available ASOIAF books). It will be a long winter(for me and for them alike 🙂 )

4. Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

John le Carre novel, Gary Oldman in a leading role that could get him THE Oscar…and WHAT a cast the rest of them are…

3. Midnight in Paris

This one is long awaited also, but more at hand(already running in cinemas). Paris will always be my favorite city(my wife’s also) and Woody Allen is, well…Woody Allen.

2. Boardwalk Empire Season 2

Recently, I’ve given this series a new shot(triggered by a re-viewing of Miller’s Crossing), as my first attempt of viewing the first episodes was not very convincing for me(maybe due to my mood at that time). But boy, did it deliver! I think I’ve watched 10 episodes in less than a week and it quickly became one of my all time favorites…AND Season 2 has just begun – WITH A TWIST!

1. Mad Men Season 5

Well now! This actually was easy to pick, and it will be later in 2012(doesn’t even have a trailer), but it made it to 1st spot just because of that…I’ve been waiting for such a long time for season 5, it nearly feels like the series are “over before the end” (like Deadwood & Rome).

Mad Men

Hope you like my list…what are your most expected movies?

My top 10 upcoming movies and series [10 to 6]

Long time no post 🙂

Well, the fall/winter season is always very interesting and this year’s movies will (hopefully) not let me down.

Without further much ado, here are my most expected movies/series to see in the near future:

10. TIED: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows / J. Edgar

Well, it’s a tie actually, my top 10 is really a top 11…

I genuinely enjoyed the previous Sherlock movie, and I am a Guy Ritchie fan, so this is a no-brainer, OR IS IT?…Di Caprio + Clint Eastwood make a movie about Hoover – gotta raise some eyebrows, this one…

9. Warrior

I have been waiting for a long time to see a good fighting movie. Not having been disappointed at all about The Fighter, that was more a biographic drama…Warrior sounds VERY promising.

8. Killer Elite

Pure action. De Niro + Jason Statham + Clive Owen = MUST SEE

7. Moneyball

Being a big fan of sport, of underdog wins in the end movies AND of sports management computer games, Moneyball seems right up my alley…

6. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo

Loved the books. Very much enjoyed the Swedish trilogy. Love Daniel Craig’s acting(since Layer Cake, before he was a star). This remake seems better than the original.

5 to 1 countdown follows in this next post

Alegere scaun masina pentru copil. Grupa 2-3

In curand scaunul Inglesina Marco Polo(0-18 kg) se va dovedi neincapator si incomod pentru Adina.
Deci vara asta ar cam trebui sa analizez piata si cam pe la toamna, cel tarziu, sa cumparam un scaun pentru grupele 2-3(de fapt unul pt 9-36kg)

M-am uitat putin pe net si deocamdata ma gandesc la Inglesina Mille Miglia, Britax Evolva 123 sau Graco Nautilus.

Voi ce ziceti, putinii mei cititori? Ce sa aleg? 🙂
Va rog justificati raspunsul. Sau nu.

Winter is coming. In April

New HBO fantasy series. With Sean Bean. CAN’t. WAIT.
Game of Thrones.
April 17th.

Scrisoare catre Tolo

Am scris aseara un mail redactorului-sef de la, m-am gandit ca nu ar strica o ancheta in plus 🙂

Buna ziua
Citesc de mult timp gsp, in ultima vreme cumpar mai putin ziarul dar urmaresc in fiecare zi editia online.
Mi s-au parut foarte interesante si utile anchetele dumneavoastra din domeniul sportului si m-am gandit sa va scriu pentru a va ruga/sugera sa initiati o ancheta despre un subiect nu indeajuns acoperit de presa sportiva de la noi – statiunile de schi din Romania.
Cum s-a ajuns la situatia actuala?
La Sinaia sunt 2 operatori, primaria face concurenta unei firme private(teleferic s.a.) – pe 3-4 partii sunt 2 sisteme de tarifare diferite. Nici un tun de zapada artificiala acolo unde, datorita altitudinii, ar fi foarte usor sa mentii partiile practicabile chiar daca nu ninge. Anul trecut un tanar a murit pe o partie slab amenajata, telescaunul vechi de 30 de ani a avut multe probleme, telecabina s-a blocat de nenumarate ori, etc
La Poiana Brasov totul e controlat de (domnul?)Copos, preturile sunt imense si starea partiilor jalnica.
La Busteni pare mai bine, insa e o singura partie scurta si preturile sunt exorbitante.
La Azuga partiile sunt bine intretinute, insa avem 3 operatori pe 2 partii(una din ele, Sorica, e intretinuta de 2 firme diferite – partea de jos si partea de sus)

Pot continua, insa eu nu am decat informatii ‘din auzite’, sunt un simplu practicant al acestui sport, dumneavoastra detineti puterea(?) de a afla dedesubturile afacerilor, de a gasi cine beneficiaza de situatia asta dezastruoasa.
Ati scris acum putin timp de Bansko, de cum e acolo, cum investitorii straini au transformat statiunile bulgaresti in atractii turistice…
Cred ca foarte multi oameni ar fi interesati de demascarea afacerilor murdare de pe valea Prahovei, si nu numai.
Nu vreau sa va plictisesc cu un mail ‘fluviu’, asa ca ma opresc aici.

Multumesc anticipat macar daca ati avut rabdare sa imi cititi mesajul.
Cu respect si cu speranta ca veti da curs cererii mele,
Horia Valeanu

Spre surprinderea mea(nu ma asteptam, sincer), raspunsul a fost prompt si pozitiv: chiar azi dimineata, fara nici o legatura cu mail-ul meu, gsp a publicat un articol despre accidentul mortal din 2009 de pe drumul de vara.

Multumesc, domnule Tolontan!

Acum astept seria de anchete 🙂